

For 16 Mac

Free Stock Images App for Mac

Search & download copyright-free images and beautiful photos from Pexels & Pixabay — all-in-1 stock photo app. Use in projects or set as HD Wallpapers.

One Photo Stock App — Many Solutions

The main problem behind finding the right stock image — is the endless number of resources you can't trust. You have to search for royalty-free HD images by looking at all of the stock photo apps manually.

PicFindr does the research work for you — this stock images app for Mac finds the most relevant images from the most trusted resources: Pexels, Pixabay What's more, you can set any of these high-quality images as a desktop picture.

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Download 4k Images

Use only high-quality images for your projects.

Only Royalty-Free Images

Use all pictures for free — no need to pay to creator.

Pixabay Support

Support for over 2 million+ high-quality stock images from Pixabay.

Pexels Support

The best free stock photos, royalty-free images & videos shared by creators

Set Desktop Picture

Set wallpapers in a single click — choose from over 3 million high-quality images.

MacOS Ventura Ready

PicFindr can run natively on the newest Mac operating system.

Unlimited Downloads

Download as many pictures as you want with no restriction.

Unlimited Collections

Create Collections for all your campaigns — no quantity limit.

PicFindr — Free Stock Images App. But What's Inside?

Download & Set As Desktop Picture

Change your desktop picture depending on your mood. 3.1 million 4k images are ready to become your wallpapers.

Set Wallpaper

Create Unlimited Collections

Create collections for specific projects or campaigns and manage your images before downloading.

Make Collection
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3.1 Million Images in One Stock Images App

Browse & download copyright-free images from Pexels & Pixabay — all-in-1 app.

Search Images

Royalty-Free & Copyright-Free Images for Your Project

All of 3.1 million photos are absolutely free to use, including commercial purposes. No need to ask for permission or provide attribution — just download and use!

Download Free Photos
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Dark Mode Available

Light and dark themes that look stunning on Retina displays

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Loved By

Loved by 01


"A must have in any content creator’s toolbelt! Highly recommend to create Collections for each of your project to somehow organise images. Very helpful app!"

Loved by 02


“This is such a lifesaver ... all good sources of free stock photos in one place.”

Loved by 03


“PicFindr is well designed application with tons of stock photos. Best part — I don't need to worry about copyrights at all. Very safe!”

Loved by 04


“PicFindr helps you find awesome free stock photos for your videos. It's easy-to-use and have a looot of high-res images.”

PicFindr is a Universal License Exclusive

With PicFindr, You Get All Softorino Apps Instantly

Learn More about Universal License


Is PicFindr Available for Windows Computers?

At that moment, no — PicFindr is for Mac only. We will notify you as soon as Windows version would be available.

Is PicFindr 100% Free of Charge?

PicFindr is free to download and try. After you feel like you are ready to get the most out of PicFindr, you can get a full license for just USD 39.96 to use it with zero limitations and also get 15 other Softorino apps included in the bundle (for free)

Is PicFindr Safe to Use?

Yes. PicFindr is notarized by Apple. And you don't load any of your details onto a website. Our software is reviewed by the World's leading tech media. You can also read many Softorino reviews — our reputation and brand is extremely important to us.

How to Set an Image on the Desktop?

Open the PicFinder app > Click on any image > Click on the “Set Desktop Picture” button on the Sidebar. Wallpapers would be changed automatically.

How to Download Images to My Mac?

Open the PicFinder app > Click on any desired image > Click on the blue “Download” button on the Sidebar ( Sidebar for the image will be opened on the right side of app interface after you click on the image).

How to Choose the Quality of the Picture to Download?

Near the “Download” button there is a drop-up arrow. Click on it > Select the image format (JPEG/PNG) > Choose the desired image quality (Small/Medium/Large/Original). After that, downloading process will start automatically.


For 16 Mac

3+ million FREE images in one Mac app

Search for and download copyright-free high-res images from all over the Internet & set them as a desktop picture with PicFindr.

System Requirements:

macOS 11.0 and higher

macOS 11.0 and higher

Latest Version:

1.1.13, 27 Oct 2022

1.1.13, 27 Oct 2022


Starting at $3.33/m



*4.8 stars rating for all Softorino products, based on 2,013 users reviews from Shopper Approved.

Mac Apps

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iPad®, iPod®, iPhone®, iTunes® and Mac® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Our software is not developed by or affiliated with Apple Inc. WALTR®, Softorino® are registered trademarks of Softorino Limited.

Copyright © 2023 Softorino Inc.

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