Home / Blog / Why Native iOS Player May Surpass Air Video HD

Air Video HD Review & Alternative Option

7 min read

Air Video HD makes dream come true: stream your movies from Mac to Apple TV, iPhone, iPad. But if you simply need to put your video onto Apple devices, there's also an alternative solution.

Streaming is cool and convenient, and sure, Air Video HD is a useful and practical solution. But if you need to transfer your files onto Apple devices and simply watch them anywhere, you might need an alternative workaround.

3 Reasons why Native iOS Player might suit you better

As Apple fans, a lot of us own not just one, but several gadgets designed by this company. It’s obvious, that when you have a lot of Apple devices, you often want to share your precious media files between them.

This is simple: you might have movies on your Mac, but you’d like to watch them on your iPad or iPhone.

As an option, Apple suggests iCloud or iTunes sync. But, clearly, both ways aren’t even close to solving the problem. While iCloud has a limited storage and it’s just not that convenient (honestly), iTunes seems just too slow and has all these format issues.

Air Video HD lets you stream movies to your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV. It has strong points – stream movies, no iTunes involved (awesome!). And the files don’t take up your storage. But there are some caveats, you simply can’t forget.

Reason 1. Your computer should be switched on

To stream movies from Mac to iPad (for example), your Mac should be turned on, and it should be playing back the very same file.

Now, I know that the main reason you want to watch it on iPad – is because you want to enjoy it on-the-go: when you are away from home, using the subway or staying out of town.

In this case, Air Video Hd is a non-starter. This workaround works when you are at home. But when you are inside, you can easily watch the movie on your Mac, right?

And either way, why should you be draining the battery of both devices at the same time?

Air Video Alternative Interface

Reason 2. Internet connection is obligatory

Your device, just like your Mac should both be connected to Wi-Fi. That’s a rule of a thumb – streaming does not work when there is no Internet connection.

Again, this brings us to the point, that Air Video HD is a good app, but only if you need to stream something from one device to the other while being at home.

Reason 3. Installation process isn’t that easy

It sure is a thrilling experience to watch HD movies on Apple TV. And Air Video HD gives you such an option. But first you have to go through the whole installation issues.

Beside installing the app itself, first you have to download Air Video Server HD – which might seem confusing at first.

You have set up preferences, get into details how the whole system works.

Air Video Alternative Interface Settings

In any case, if all these points don’t bother you – thumbs up, Air Video HD is a great app, use it. We at Softorino lover it just as well. If they actually do confuse you a little, then read on, we will show how you can eliminate all the issues mentioned above.

The best part – you will be able to use your default Videos player to watch your favorite media in any corner of our mother Earth.

What Are the Alternatives to Air Video HD?

WALTR quickly puts any music or movies in any format on any Apple device. The application is simple and intuitive. Furthermore, it sends all the files directly to your stock Apple apps.

This means all your movies will land in TV. app/Videos. And your music will go directly to Apple Music.

Waltr Pro General Image 1

The default iOS player was developed by and for Apple. This app is perfectly optimized for use on Apple gadgets. The stock player has much better performance, playback speed, and quality.

Before we proceed, pay attention to just some of the features that WALTR PRO holds:

  • Bullet fast uploading speed
  • You can access your transferred files wherever you are, no matter if you computer is turned on or off
  • WALTR fully supports audio, ringtones, PDFs and ePub files
  • All uncompatible file formats are covered. This means you can easily play back MKV, AVI, APE, FLAC, etc on your device
  • No cords needed – Transfer files on your device using Wi-Fi

Of course, the files will take up your storage space, but look at the bright side—it can download a movie or video to your iPhone in no time. You are absolutely free to play it back elsewhere—on the subway, during a plane trip, at the top of Everest, or wherever you happen to be.

So now when you’re pumped, let’s demonstrate how convenient the whole process is!

Step 1: Download & Open WALTR PRO

The app’s UI is very simple – just a drop-zone. Plug your iPhone in. WALTR PRO will recognize it immediately.


Convert & Push Any File into Any Apple Device

WALTR PRO for Mac Small Banner

You'll need to activate a free 24 hours trial after installation. The code for its activation can be requested via your email on the app start up.

Here what you can do with the app while trial is active.

Waltr Pro Trial Limits
Conect Your iPhone to Waltr Pro.jpg

Step 2. Push your file into WALTR PRO

Simply drag your movie files into the drop zone. After shockingly fast syncing you’ll get your file ASAP into your stock Videos/TV app.

Drag Drop a Music File Into Waltr Pro.jpg

Step 3. Done!

Your movie is there, and you can play it back at any convenient time. Because the conversion is really fast, it’s almost like streaming—it doesn’t take much time to load, and you can enjoy your file anywhere!

You can also airplay the movie to your Apple TV and enjoy it on the big screen!

To sum up:

Air Video HD is helpful & cool. But if you want to step on your device's default Videos app, WALTR PRO might be the call.

It works with any Apple device and even knows how to transfer files via Wi-Fi. You don’t need to worry about the correct format or mess with iTunes!

Natalie Polly
Kirk McElhearn
Contributing Writer at Softorino
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For Mac & Windows

Drag & drop any file into iPhone or iPad

Drag. Drop. Play. Effortlessly convert & transfer almost any music, video, book, photo, document or file and have it on your iPhone or iPad.

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