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Josh Brown Jun 4, 2024

OnlineVideoConverter Alternative

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4.8 Stars rating for all Softorino products (2,013 Reviews)

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Josh Brown Jun 4, 2024

When it comes to Youtube video conversion, we all just tend to Google the phrase, “How to convert youtube videos online,” and go for the first website we see that offers video conversions.

Either “ or” is the online video converter everyone chooses. This is a popular website that works, but is it the most popular one always the best option to use? 

In this post, we will be going through all the features, the pros and cons, and our comments and reviews of the two and everything else you need to know about using a video converter to convert YouTube videos online.  Along with an alternative that might work, even better!

Table of Contents

Onlinevideoconverter Review

Main characteristics:

  • Pricing: Free


  • Hosted online or downloadable: Hosting online


  • Video Converter Download Quality: Multiple quality options to select from


  • Compatibility: Android and Windows devices 


  • MP3 Downloads available


  • Needs third party media player


  • Doesn't work offline

How Does The Video Converter Work?

This converter is your standard, run of the mill popular online video converter. Versions of this have been around for years. Using this video converter is pretty simple:

Step 1. Open the Website

Log on to the website or

Step 2. Copy YouTube Video

Go to the online video you want to download, and copy the youtube URL.

Step 3. Paste Link 

Paste the URL on the address bar on

Step 4. Choose The Format

Select the format you want to convert video in to.

Step 5. Start Downloading

Click the "start button" or the button might simply say “convert.”

Step 6. Download Video

You will now see the button “download” show up in front of different versions of the converted video depending on the quality it is available in. Pick the quality you want to download it in and click the download button in front of it. There will be a button you can press in front of each version.

Another tab might or might not open, and your video will download. Wait for it to finish, and you can watch your video without an internet connection. Step 1, step 2 and Step 3 and be repeated in another tab to download multiple files at the same time. Conversion can continue side by side.

Do Onlinevideoconverter Viruses Exist? Is The Program Safe to Use?

Now, the problem with websites like onlineconverter is that they aren’t entirely safe to use. You can convert files with the websites but the question "is onlinevideoconverter safe?" pops up a lot online. Free online websites like these are the perfect ground for hackers. Attackers might be trying to steal your information or sneak malware under the video and audio files you want to convert and download and through them gain access to your desktop.

Sometimes, you will get onlinevideoconverter popups that say, “Your connection is not private.” This means that your computer is vulnerable to a virus. Your sensitive data such as passwords and credit card information can be accessed by a third party.  Unless you are redirected to a safe server, your desktop might be at risk.

You may also encounter an error message that simply says, “onlinevideoconverter not working.” Or the “this video cannot be converted onlinevideoconverter error” and you’ll be bombarded with popups everywhere. Any of the popups can have malware in them too! 

This can leave your device vulnerable to an attack that you might not even be able to see! If this isn’t a problem for you, onlineconverter could work just fine, but it still isn’t the best conversion software on the market. Even if you don't see a pop-up or an attack, it doesn't make onlinevideoconverter safe. When you're using an online video converter,anything you click can open up a window for attackers to get in. There's no surefire way of knowing that the device is safe.

On top of all of that, if you have an Apple device, this method will not work for you. Apple devices need you to download an online video onto your computer and then use another software like iTunes to transfer the videos to your Apple device. It doesn't automatically save files, you will have to share the video audio file to the device manually.

Which, let’s face it, is a bunch of extra steps for file conversion for no reason!

Softorino YouTube Converter - The Perfect Onlinevideoconverter Alternative

Main Characteristics:


  • Pricing: Free



  • Hosted online or downloadable: Downloadable software



  • Video converter Download Quality: Multiple download quality options to select from



  • Compatibility: Windows and Apple 



  • Videos to MP3 Downloads available



  • It doesn’t need a third-party media player



  • Able to download ringtones 



  • Easy to use to convert files



  • File share to native apps automatically in the native formats



  • Works offline



  • Fast


How Does The Video Converter Work?

Unlike onlinevideoconverter, Softorino YouTube Converter (SYC) doesn’t operate online. To use it offline, users need to install this one directly onto your computer, and then you can get to using it to convert files. This is how it works:

Step 1. Download Softorino YouTube Converter

Softorino YouTube Converter Logo Softorino YouTube Converter 2
Requirements: macOS 10.10 and higher
Latest Version: 2.1.14, 24 January 2020
Requirements: Windows 8 and higher
Latest Version: 2.2.37, 26 February 2020
Free Download

Step 2. Open SYC

Syc 2

Once the software is downloaded on your computer, it’s ready to be used. To download a video, open another tab go over to YouTube or wherever you want to download the software from and copy the URL of the online video. 

Step 3. Copied Online Video URL

Paste the copied online video URL into the Softorino YouTube Converter software.

You can also use the built-in browser and search for the specific video URL you want to download. Users will have the option to add it to the queue directly from there without having to paste the link from another browser.

Step 4. Save The Video

Choose which folder you want to download the file to go into and click “Convert to iPhone.”. This will work for videos to mp3 mp4 formats. Choose the format you want to convert to.

That's all you need to do, unlike an online video converter, this one just does the rest automatically. The download will start shortly after. As soon as it’s done, it’ll be available to play directly from the destination folder. No VLC or other media players required.

Users can even use the WiFi feature to transfer the downloaded file onto your device wirelessly. The wired method is not necessary. It will still be able to transfer all formats to your device.

How is the Softorino YouTube Converter Software Superior For Downloading Content on Your Device?

The first thing that we have to note is that, unlike a web-based converter, Softorino is an entire software. It is backed up by a legitimate company that you can easily download onto your computer before you even start downloading anything.  

Their website is safe and secure, so there's the instant reassurance that you’re not putting your computer at risk when you download anything from their website itself. Free online websites need you to be using them throughout, while this only needs to be installed on the computer once and you can convert whichever files you want on it and it does it, fast!

Now, on to the features aspect. 

Softorino YouTube Converter comes out on top simply because of the sheer amount of things you can do with just the single software alone! You can download any video you can think of, but that’s not all it does. There are several other features. 

One of the most significant features that the software has is downloading the converted file, video audio, all formats directly onto your Apple device. You can even convert videos to mp3 directly from here. Its intelligent detection helps make sure that no matter where you’re downloading the song from, whether it’s YouTube, Soundcloud, or anywhere else, it also brings in the album cover. And sends the finished file directly to the Music App on your device. You will be able to play music just as if you have bought the song now from the iTunes store itself! 

Another feature that’s tied in with this is their ringtone feature. We all know how annoying it is that Apple only gives you a minimal selection of ringtones to choose from. To combat this problem, simply select the song or sound you want to turn into a ringtone, download it onto your device, and set it as the ringtone! No conversion or crazy programming needed!

Comparison Between Onlinevideoconverter And Softorino YouTube Converter

Which Video Converter Wins?


Conclusion - Which One Is the Best For Video Conversion?

Going through the features and the tutorials of both onlinevideoconverter and Softorino YouTube Converter (SYC), there is no doubt that Softorino comes out on top in almost every aspect. 

Softorino is a much safer software and won’t put your computer at risk of data theft. no one can try to steal your data while you’re converting youtube videos, or anything else for that matter. It’s also simply more efficient!

The built-in browser allows you to easily search for the video you want and download it without having to open multiple tabs and keep track of the link to make sure you’ve got the right one. 

Additionally, what sets this one apart from onlinevideoconverter is that it directly adds the converted file, both audio (Mp3) and video (MP4) into the folder of the stock app of your phone—making it much easier to play them since you won’t have to download a third-party app that’s compatible with the content! 

The safety and ease of use make it the best software to download videos onto your devices!

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The Ultimate YouTube Converter for Music, Videos & Ringtones

Softorino YouTube Converter 2

Softorino YouTube Converter

The Ultimate YouTube Converter That Makes Downloading Streaming Video Effortless


System Requirements:

macOS 10.10 and higher

Windows 8 and higher

Latest Version:

2.1.14, 24 January 2020

2.2.36, 31 January 2020


Starting at $19.95



*4.8 stars rating for all Softorino products, based on 2,013 users reviews from Shopper Approved.

Softorino YouTube Converter

Your FREE YouTube Converter


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